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Hulis Happen! What To Do When It Happens To You!

If you're familiar with outrigger canoeing, you know "Hulis happen!"

For safety reasons, knowing how to recover from a huli comes under the #veryimportant category on the outrigger paddling skills list.

Hulis can happen anytime. Hulis can be caused by paddler error, or the impact of wind and water conditions on the boat. Most often, hulis happen during races, when paddlers and boats are pushed to their limits.

It's also true that nothing prepares you for the real thing, so at SPC we introduce hulis at Rookie Sessions and even more experienced paddlers perform huli drills.

That said, we found this video that does a great job of concisely explaining what to do when you find yourself needing to recover from a huli. Required viewing, really. Enjoy!

Never tried outrigger paddling and want to give it a shot? Sign up for an SPC Rookie Session!

Are you an experienced paddler in Singapore and looking to take it to the next level? See what SPC has to offer you!

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